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仹184-8588 搶嫗搒彫嬥堜巗拞挰2-24-16
- Strong duality Data of type A and extended T-systems,
Transformation Groups (2024), 47儁乕僕 (僆乕僾儞傾僋僙僗),
- Equivalence between module categories over quiver Hecke algebras and Hernandez-Leclerc's categories in general types,
Advances in Mathematics 389 (2021), 107916, 47儁乕僕,
- Existence of Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals for near adjoint nodes in exceptional types (joint work with Travis Scrimshaw),
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 225, issue 5 (2021) 106593, 38儁乕僕,
- Existence of Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals of type $G_2^{(1)}$ and $D_4^{(3)}$, Journal of Algebra 512 (2018), 47-65,
- Tensor products of Kirillov-Reshetikhin modules and fusion products, to appear in
International Mathematics Research Notices 2017 (2017),
issue 18, 5667-5709, arXiv:1604.02577.
- Graded limits of minimal affinizations over the quantum loop algebra of type G_2 (joint work with Jian-Rong Li),
Algebras and Representation Theory 19 (2016), issue 4, 957-973,
- Defining relations of fusion products and Schur positivity, Toyama Mathmatical Journal 37 (2015),
87-106 (A special issue dedicated to Professor Jun Morita on the occasion of his 60th birthday),
- Graded limits of minimal affinizations in type D, SIGMA 10 (2014), 047,
20 pages (Contribution to the
Special issue on New Directions in Lie Theory),
- Demazure modules and graded limits of minimal affinizations, Representation Theory 17 (2013), 524-556, arXiv:1210.0175.
- Demazure crystals and tensor products of perfect Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals with various levels,
Journal of Algebra 374 (2013), 1-26,
- Fusion products of Kirillov-Reshetikhin modules and the X=M conjecture, Advances in Mathematics 231 (2012), no. 3-4, 1546-1571,
- Loewy series of Weyl modules and the Poincaré polynomials of quiver varieties (joint work with Ryosuke Kodera),
Publications of RIMS 48 (2012), no. 3, 477-500,
- Weyl modules, Demazure modules and finite crystals for non-simply laced type,
Advances in Mathematics 229 (2012), no. 2, 875-934,
- Multiloop Lie algebras and the construction of extended affine Lie algebras, Journal of Algebra 323 (2010), no. 8, 2103-2129,
- 桳尷埵悢帺屓摨宆傪梡偄偨extended affine Lie algebra 偺峔惉偵偮偄偰, RIMS島媶榐暿嶜 B20 (2010), 21-30.
- 堦斒壔検巕傾僼傿儞Schur-Weyl憃懳惈偲寳摨抣, 戞67夞戙悢妛僔儞億僕僂儉曬崘廤 (2023), 125-140.
- 夥Hecke 戙悢偺桳尷師尦壛孮寳偲Hernandez-Leclerc 寳偺摨抣惈, 2021擭搙尋媶廤夛乽戙悢揑Lie棟榑偲昞尰榑乿曬崘廤 (2021), 292-296
- 僥儞僜儖愊偲屆揟嬌尷傪庢傞憖嶌偺旕壜姺惈, RIMS島媶榐乽儕乕宆偺慻崌偣榑乿
(2017), 1-10.
- 検巕儖乕僾戙悢偺壛孮偵偍偗傞僥儞僜儖愊偲屆揟嬌尷傪庢傞憖嶌偺旕壜姺惈偵偮偄偰, 戞2夞乽戙悢揑Lie棟榑偲昞尰榑乿曬崘廤 (2016), 218-227
- 僇儗儞僩戙悢偺僼儏乕僕儑儞愊偲Schur惓抣惈, RIMS島媶榐1977
乽昞尰榑偍傛傃娭楢偡傞挷榓夝愅偲旝暘曽掱幃乿 (2015), 1-8.
- minimal affinization偺Jacobi-Trudi宆巜昗岞幃偵偮偄偰, 戞59夞戙悢妛僔儞億僕僂儉曬崘廤 (2014), 176-187.
- 検巕傾僼傽僀儞戙悢偺嬌彫傾僼傽僀儞壔偵偮偄偰, 戞15夞戙悢孮偲検巕孮偺昞尰榑尋媶廤夛曬崘廤 (2012), 101-108 (PDF).
- KR 僋儕僗僞儖偺僥儞僜儖愊偲 Demazure 僋儕僗僞儖, RIMS島媶榐1795乽慻崌偣榑揑昞尰榑偺奼偑傝乿 (2012), 59-69.
- Demazure壛孮丄Demazure僋儕僗僞儖偲X=M梊憐, 戞14夞戙悢孮偲検巕孮偺昞尰榑尋媶廤夛曬崘廤 (2011), 132-141(PDF).
- Weyl module偍傛傃Demazure module偲桳尷crystal偲偺娭學偵偮偄偰, 2010擭搙昞尰榑僔儞億僕僂儉島墘廤 (2010), 12 pages.
- Construction of extended affine Lie algebras from multiloop Lie algebras, 戞11夞戙悢孮偲検巕孮偺昞尰榑尋媶廤夛曬崘廤 (2008), 85-93.
- Generalization of the extended T-systems via strong duality data,
16th International Symposium on Natural Sciences, Incheon National University,
2024擭10寧 (僗儔僀僪).
- 検巕儖乕僾戙悢偺桳尷師尦壛孮寳偵偍偗傞奼戝T宯偺堦斒壔偵偮偄偰, 怣廈戙悢僙儈僫乕, 怣廈戝妛, 2024擭5寧.
- Strong duality data of type A and extended T-systems, Advances in Cluster Algebras 2024, 柤屆壆戝妛,
2024擭3寧 (僗儔僀僪).
- Strong duality data of type A and extended T-systems, 搶岺戝昞尰榑僙儈僫乕, 搶嫗岺嬈戝妛,
2023擭6寧 (僗儔僀僪).
- 奼戝検巕傾僼傿儞Schur-Weyl憃懳惈偲寳摨抣, 戞67夞戙悢妛僔儞億僕僂儉, RIMS, 2022擭8寧
- Equivalence between module categories over quiver Hecke algebras and Hernandez-Leclerc's subcategories,
Quantum Groups and Cluster Algebras, 僆儞儔僀儞,
2022擭2寧 (僗儔僀僪).
- Equivalence between module categories over quiver Hecke algebras and Hernandez-Leclerc's categories,
Conference on Algebraic Representation Theory 2021, 僆儞儔僀儞,
2021擭11寧 (僗儔僀僪).
- Equivalence via generalized quantum affine Schur-Weyl duality, 戙悢揑儕乕棟榑偲昞尰榑2021, 僆儞儔僀儞, 2021寧6寧 (僗儔僀僪).
- Equivalence via generalized quantum affine Schur-Weyl duality, 撿戝嶃戙悢僙儈僫乕
, 僆儞儔僀儞, 2021擭3寧 (僗儔僀僪).
- Existence of Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals for the near adjoint nodes in exceptional types,
Representation Theory of Algebraic Groups and
Quantum Groups -in honor of Professor Ariki's 60th birthday-, RIMS, October 2019 (僗儔僀僪).
- Existence of KR crystals in types $G_2^{(1)}$, $D_4^{(3)}$ and $E_6^{(1)}$,
戙悢揑儕乕棟榑偲昞尰榑2018, 忋抭戝妛寉堜戲僙儈僫乕, 2018擭5寧 (僗儔僀僪).
- Existence of Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals of type $G_2^{(1)}$ and $D_4^{(3)}$, Infinite
Analysis 17 -Algebraic and Combinatorial Aspects in Integrable Systems-,
戝嶃巗棫戝妛, 2017擭12寧.
- $U_q(L\mathfrak{g})$壛孮偵懳偡傞僥儞僜儖愊偲屆揟嬌尷傪庢傞憖嶌偺旕壜姺惈偵偮偄偰, 擔杮悢妛夛2017擭搙擭夛柍尷壜愊暘宯僙僢僔儑儞堦斒島墘,
庱搒戝妛搶嫗, 2017擭3寧 (僗儔僀僪).
- 検巕儖乕僾戙悢偺桳尷師尦昞尰偲屆揟嬌尷, 擾岺戝悢妛僙儈僫乕2017,
搶嫗擾岺戝妛, 2017擭3寧 (僗儔僀僪).
- Noncommutativity between the operations of tensor product and taking a classical limit, 儕乕宆偺慻崌偣榑, RIMS, 2016擭10寧.
- Noncommutativity between operations of tensor product and classical limit on modules over a quantum loop algebra, Algebraic Lie Theory and Representation Theory 2016, 悰暯崅尨僾僠丒儂僥儖僝儞僞僢僋, 2016擭6寧.
- Current戙悢偺僼儏乕僕儑儞愊偲Schur惓抣惈, 昞尰榑偍傛傃娭楢偡傞挷榓夝愅偲旝暘曽掱幃
, RIMS, 2015擭6寧.
- Minimal affinizations and their graded limits, Representation theory and Related
Topics, 埳椙屛價儏乕儂僥儖, 2015擭2寧. (僗儔僀僪)
- Jacobi-Trudi formula and quantum loop algebras, 慻傒崌偣榑僙儈僫乕,
搶杒戝妛, 2014擭12寧.
- Minimal affinizations and their graded limits, Shanghai Workshop on Representation Theory, 摨嵪戝妛, 2014擭12寧.
- Minimal affinizations and their graded limits,
Conference on Cluster Algebras and Representation Theory , CMC, 2014擭11寧.
- Graded limits of finite-dimensional modules over quantum loop algebras,
Tsukuba Workshop on Infinite Dimensional Lie Theory and Related Topics -- History and Development --, 拀攇戝妛, 2014擭10寧.
- 検巕傾僼傿儞戙悢偺桳尷師尦婛栺昞尰偲偦偺師悢晅偒嬌尷,
戞59夞戙悢妛僔儞億僕僂儉, 搶嫗戝妛, 2014擭9寧.
- Graded limits of minimal affinizations,
representation theory, CRM, 2014擭4寧.
- An approach to the X=M conjecture using modules over a current algebra, 擔杮悢妛夛廐婫憤崌暘壢夛柍尷壜愊暘宯僙僢僔儑儞摿暿島墘,
垽昋戝妛, 2013擭9寧. (僗儔僀僪)
- Finite-dimensional representations over a quantum loop algebra and their classical limits, GT Seminar, Kavli IPMU, 2013擭5寧.
- Graded limits of minimal affinizations over a quantum loop algebra, 擔杮悢妛夛2013擭搙擭夛, 嫗搒戝妛,
2013擭3寧. (僗儔僀僪)
- An approach to the X=M conjecture using current algebras,
Bethe Ansatz, Quantum Groups and Beyond , 嫗搒悢棟夝愅尋媶強, 2013擭3寧. (僗儔僀僪)
- Graded limits of minimal affinizations, Shanghai workshop on Representation Theory, 戝嶃戝妛, 2012擭12寧.
- 検巕儖乕僾戙悢偺minimal affinization偵偮偄偰, 怣廈戙悢僙儈僫乕, 怣廈戝妛, 2012擭11寧.
- BC宆検巕儖乕僾戙悢偺minimal affinization偵偮偄偰,
RIMS 昞尰榑僙儈僫乕, 嫗搒戝妛悢棟夝愅尋媶強, 2012擭11寧.
- The X=M conjecture for a quantum affine algebra, MS Seminar,
Kavli IPMU, 2012擭5寧.
- Classical limits of minimal affinizations and generalized Demazure modules,
戞15夞戙悢孮偲検巕孮偺昞尰榑尋媶廤夛, 偄偙偄偺懞傾僛傿儕傾斞峧, 2012擭5寧. (僗儔僀僪)
- Loewy series of Weyl modules and the Poincare polynomials of quiver varieties, Lie Theory Seminar, University of California Riverside, 2012擭2寧.
- Generalized Demazure module and the restricted classical limit of a tensor product of KR modules, Lie Theory Seminar, University of California Riverside, 2012擭2寧.
- Demazure壛孮偲X=M梊憐,
怣廈戙悢僙儈僫乕, 怣廈戝妛, 2011擭10寧.
- Demazure modules, Demazure crystals and the X=M conjecture,
慻崌偣榑揑昞尰榑偺奼偑傝, 嫗搒戝妛悢棟夝愅尋媶強, 2011擭10寧. (僗儔僀僪)
- Relations among Weyl modules, Demazure modules and finite crystals, Infinite Analysis 11乮億僗僞乕敪昞乯, 搶嫗戝妛, 2011擭7寧. (億僗僞乕)
- Demazure modules, Demazure crystals偲X=M梊憐,
戞14夞戙悢孮偲検巕孮偺昞尰榑尋媶廤夛, 崙柉廻幧彫摛搰, 2011擭6寧. (僗儔僀僪)
- Weyl壛孮丄Demazure壛孮偲fundamental representation偺僥儞僜儖愊偺crystal basis偲偺娭學偵偮偄偰, 峀堟壢妛愱峌憡娭婎慴壢妛宯僙儈僫乕, 搶嫗戝妛, 2011擭4寧.
- Weyl壛孮丄Demazure壛孮偲fundamental representation偺僥儞僜儖愊偺crystal basis偲偺娭學偵偮偄偰,
RIMS 昞尰榑僙儈僫乕,
嫗搒戝妛悢棟夝愅尋媶強, 2011擭4寧.
- Weyl壛孮丄Demazure壛孮偲fundamental representation偺crystal basis偺娭學偵偮偄偰, 戝嶃昞尰榑僙儈僫乕, 戝嶃墂戞擇價儖彫僙儈僫乕幒, 2011擭2寧.
- Weyl壛孮丄Demazure壛孮偲fundamental representation偺crystal basis偺娭學偵偮偄偰, RAQ僙儈僫乕, 忋抭戝妛,2011擭1寧.
- Some relations between the Weyl module and the crystal basis of the tensor product of fundamental representations, Lie孮榑丒昞尰榑僙儈僫乕,
搶嫗戝妛, 2010擭12寧.
- Weyl module偍傛傃Demazure module偲桳尷crystal偲偺娭學偵偮偄偰, 昞尰榑僔儞億僕僂儉 2010,
惷壀導岞嫟偺廻偍偍偲傝憫, 2010擭10寧.
- loop戙悢偲multiloop戙悢偺昞尰榑偵偮偄偰, 尋媶廤夛乽Algebras, Groups, and Geometry 2009 in Tambara乿, 嬍尨崙嵺僙儈僫乕僴僂僗, 2009擭8寧.
- Categorical approach for Weyl modules, after Chari-Fourier-Khandai,
MS Seminar, IPMU, 2009擭8寧.
- Construction of extended affine Lie algebras from multiloop Lie algebras,
RIMS尋媶廤夛乽昞尰榑偲旕壜姺挷榓夝愅偵偍偗傞怴偟偄帇揰乿, 嫗搒戝妛悢棟夝愅尋媶強, 2008擭9寧.
- Construction of extended affine Lie algebras from multiloop Lie algebras, Lie孮榑丒昞尰榑僙儈僫乕, 搶嫗戝妛, 2008擭7寧.
- Construction of extended affine Lie algebras from multiloop Lie algebras, 戞11夞戙悢孮偲検巕孮偺昞尰榑尋媶廤夛, 壀嶳導惵擭娰, 2008擭5寧.