
Nagatsu Lab., Dept. of chemical engineering, TUAT

Our Laboratory

The academic field of study that aims at systematization of ways which deals with not only thinking about chemical reaction processes but also physical reaction process such as flow and mixing of fluid, heat and materials transportation, is referred to as reactive fluid dynamics or reacting flow. Reacting flow can be divided into two categories; one is gas-phase reacting flow and the other is liquid-phase one. The reports of liquid-phase reacting flow is smaller than that of gas-phase reacting flow. The liquid-phase reacting flow is called Chemo-hydrodynamics in Europe and it is a very new field of study that is in 2009 the international meeting was held for the first time on this. Prof. Nagatsu has reported the phenomena called viscous fingering(VF) and controlling flow involving viscosity decrease due to a chemical reaction the first time in the world.


Date News
Jan.,2025 Collaborating work on "Numerical simulation of effects of phase separation on viscous fingering in radial Hele-Shaw flows" with Prof. Ching-Yao Chen(Taiwan) is published from J. Fluid Mech.
Dec.,2024 Collaborating work on "Opposite effects of a reaction-driven viscosity decrease on miscible viscous fingering depending on the injection flow rate" with Prof. Anne De Wit(ULB) is published from J. Fluid Mech.
Nov.,2024 S. Kiuchi won the Presentation Award for Young Researcher at Twenty-first International Conference on Flow Dynamics(ICFD).
Nov.,2024 F. J. Kobayashi and S. Kiuchi had oral presentations at Twenty-first International Conference on Flow Dynamics(ICFD).
Apr.,2024 New financial year starts!!!
New laboratory members are here!
Apr.,2024 S. Kiuchi, Prof. Nagatsu had oral presentations in The Society of Chemical Engineering, Japan!
S. Kiuchi had oral presentations of a movie award in Fluid & Particle Processing Division of The Society of Chemical Engineering, Japan"
Feb.,2024 Our article by R. X. Suzuki et al. on interfacial phase separation and injection flow is published from Phys. Rev. Fluids.
This paper is selected as Editos' Suggestion!!!
Jan.,2024 Collaborating work on maximum entropy production principle explaning the transition from diffusive to viscous fingering, to tip-split patterns is publiched from Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.
December,2023 Kiuchi had a movie award from the Fluid & Particle Processing Division of The Society of Chemical Engineering, Japan!
November,2023 Y. Deki et al. had a poster award from APS/DFD Gallery of Fluid Motion!
December,2023 R. X. Suzuki had an invited talk in The 9th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow(ASCHT2023) at Thuwal, Saudi Arabia.
November,2023 Y. Deki, S. Kiuchi, R. X. Suzuki had oral presentations in APS/DFD at Washington D.C., U.S.
August,2023 Our article on Y. F. Deki's work entitiled Numerical study of the effect of Péclet number on miscible viscous fingering with effective interfacial tension (published in J. Fluid Mech.) is published through EurekAlert!.
July,2023 H. Yagi et al. published thier paper on Understanding the reactive interfacial flow dynamics with production of viscoelastic material through large amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) measurements of the viscoelastic interface to J. Rheol. The paper is here.
June,2023 Y. F. Deki et al. published thier paper on Numerical study of the effect of Péclet number on miscible viscous fingering with effective interfacial tension to J. Fluid Mech. The paper is here.
June,2023 The paper by K. Iwasaki et al. in Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. is selected as a Hot Article.
May,2023 K. Iwasaki et al. published thier paper on Experimental demonstration on suppression of viscous fingering in a partially miscible system to Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. The paper is here.
Mar.,2023 S. Hirano et al. published thier paper on Unpredictable Polymeric Flow Dynamics with Reaction between HPAM and Al3+ by Comparison between Pre- and Post-Reaction Fluid Properties to Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. The paper is here.
Nov.,2022 A. Potmonoaji and others had oral presentations at Nineteenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics.
Sep.,2022 Prof. Suzuki is selected as PRESTO researcher, Japan Science and Technology Agency
Research title "Establishing new interfacial hydrodynamics combined with chemical thermodynamics" in the field of "New Fluid Science for Understanding, Prediction and Control of Complex Flow and Transport Phenomena".
Apr.,2022 New financial year starts.
Yuichiro Nagatsu is promoted to Professor.
Ryuta X. Suzuki, Assistant Professor on Institute of Global Innovation Research, joins.
Anindityo PATMONOAJI, JSPS Postdoctoral fellowships for research in Japan, joins.
Mar.,2022 S. Seya(M2), R. X. Suzuki(graduated) et al.'s paper on Numerical study on topological change of viscous fingering induced by a phase separation with Korteweg force is published from Journal of Fluid Mechanics. This work is collaborated with Prof. Manoranjan Mishra, IIT, Ropar.
Feb.,2022 S. Hirano(M2), R. X. Suzuki(graduated) et al.'s paper on Reversal of effects from gel production in a reacting flow dependent on gel strength is published from Physical Review Fluids.
Oct.,2021 R. Tanaka(graduated), R. X. Suzuki(graduated) et al.'s paper on Growing Interface with Phase Separation and Spontaneous Convection during Hydrodynamically Stable Displacement is published from materials.
Sep.,2021 An article on the award "Outstanding Paper in The Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics 2020", which R. X. Suzuki(graduated) et al. won is introduced on TUAT web site.
Sep.,2021 R. X. Suzuki, S. Kobayashi et al. sent out press release from TUAT on Tunable Hydrodynamic Interfacial Instability by Controlling a Thermodynamic Parameter of Liquid–Liquid Phase Separation. Japanese and English version. And also, several media published: Azo Materials
Sep.,2021 A paper collaborated with Suekane Lab., Tokyo Institute of Technology, on Effect of gas generation by chemical reaction on viscous fingering in a Hele–Shaw cell is published from Physics of Fluids.
Jul.,2021 H. B. Othman(graduated) et al. sent out press releases from TUAT on the study on Viscous fingering of miscible annular ring. Japanese and English version. And also, several media published: phys.org, sciencebuddies, newsbreak, weyuu world news, trueviralnews
Jul.,2021 R. X. Suzuki(graduated), S. Kobayashi(graduated) et al.'s study on Tunable Hydrodynamic Interfacial Instability by Controlling a Thermodynamic Parameter of Liquid–Liquid Phase Separation is published from Journal of Physical Chemistry B! This work is collaborated with Dr. Ban, Osaka University.
Jul.,2021 A paper collaborated with Suekane Lab., Tokyo Institute of Technology, on "Enhanced Heavy Oil Recovery by Calcium Hydroxide Flooding with the Production of Viscoelastic Materials: Study with 3-D X-Ray Tomography and 2-D Glass Micromodels" is published from Energy and Fuels.
May,2021 R. X. Suzuki, H. Tada(graduated), S. Hirano(M2) et al.'s paper, which reports anomalous VF patterns at metastable condition of phase separation, is published from Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. This study is collaborated with Dr. Ban, Osaka Univ. and Prof. Mishra, IIT, Ropar.
2021.Apr. H. B. Othman et al. published a paper to journal of Fluid Mechanics
2021.Mar. Collaborative research with Dr. Noor Azwani Mohd Rasidek's research group at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia was published to materialstoday:Proceedings
2021.Mar. R. X. Suzuki et al.'s paper won award "Outstanding Paper 2020 in Fluid & Particle Processing Division of The Society of Chemical Engineering, Japan"
2021.Mar. R. X. Suzuki et al.'s paper won award for Outstanding Paper in The Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics 2020, here
2021.Mar. Omori(Graduate) et al. applied for PCT international patents on enhanced oil recovery.
2021.Feb. A paper jointly researched with the Tokyo Institute of Technology Suekane Laboratory was published in the Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, an academic journal of petroleum engineering.
2021.Feb. A paper on joint research with Yoshiyuki Tagawa's laboratory at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology was published in Experiments in Fluids, an academic journal of experimental fluid dynamics
2021.Jan. A study on the flow of polymer solutions that cannot be predicted by the physical properties before and after the chemical reaction in our laboratory was introduced in an article by academist, here
2020.Oct.6th R. X. Suzuki et al. published a paper, where they proved that suggested parameter can scale the dynamics of hydrodynamically stbale displacements with a partially miscible system. This paper is published from Coatings.
2020.Sep. K. Abe, K. Konmoto, K. Omori and Y. Nagatsu published a paper on a new chemical flooding of enhanced oil recovery, where viscoelastic material is produced at the interface. This paper is published from Energy and Fuels.
2020.Sep. K. Omori and Nagatsu published a paper on numerical simulation of viscous fingering with a chemical reaction affecting the viscosity at the interface. This paper is published from AIP Advances and selected as Editor's picks.
2020.Jul.1st R. X. Suzuki et al. published a new paper on Saffman-Taylor instability with a partially miscible system, where multiple droplets form instead of fingerings. This paper is published from J. Fluid Mech.
2020.Jan.27th R. X. Suzuki et al.'s paper is spread by EurekAlert! They have revealed new type instability during hydrodynamically stablle displacements.
2019.Oct.16th R. X. Suzuki' paper is published from Phys. Rev. Fluids
2019.Oct.16th R. Tsuzuki published her paper to Phys. Rev. Fluids
2019.May,9th T. Ueki and S. Tagawa published thier paper to J. Phy. Chem. B
2019.Apr. R. Tsuzuki published her paper to Phys. Fluids
2019.Feb. R. Tsuzuki published her paper to Phys. Fluids
2018.3.1 Mickey (from Thailand) starts to conduct experiments on oil recovery.
2017.12.21 Ric finished researches(especially viscous fingering with gel) in our lab. See album.
2017.10.12 R. Tsuzuki(D2) attended at The First Forum of the Chinese Society of Visualization Science and Art and she won The Excellent Work Award.
2017.10.12 R. Tsuzuki(D2) attended at The 24th National Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference and she won 海報論文競賽佳作.
2017.10.10 The study of R. Suzuki(M2) is uploaded to YouTube!!!
Please check it out and, subscribe to the channel and push the Good button!!
2017.8.28 The paper in which R. Suzuki(M2) and Y. Nagatsu(Boss) are coauthors published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.
2017.5.13 We made our Sticker ver.2 in Line app, here.
2017.4.23 We made our Sticker in Line app, here.
2017.3.24 Shuntaro ARAI(Master), Toshizo Kanbara(Master), Risa GONDA(Bachelor) and Kaori KONMOTO(Bachelor) graduated.
The picture is here.
2017.3.9 The seminar by Prof. Anne De Wit will be held at L0021, TUAT, on March 9th.
2017.3.6 Prof. Anne De Wit(from Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium) comes to our Lab. and to discusses.
2017.3.1 We start new semestar with new member.
2016.11.20 Prof. Nagatsu, Reiko, Shuntaro, Ryuta had oral presentations at American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics.That picture is here.
2016.9.29 We will held the international joint session at TUAT. The detail is here.
2016.9.15 We made the giude book titled "The guide to Nagatsu Laboratory".
2016.7.17-22 Y.Nagatsu had an oral presentation, and R.Tsuzuki, K.Abe and R.Suzuki had poster presentation at Gordon Research Conference(GRC) in America.
2016.7.16 R.Suzuki had an oral presentation, and Y.Nagatsu, R.Tsuzuki and K.Abe had poster presentation at Gordon Research Seminar(GRS) in America.
2016.4.1 We start new semestar with new member.
2016.1.20 Luqman visits our Lab. to study and conduct VF experiments.
2015.12.1 Azwani(from UTM) visits our laboratory to study. We held welcome party for her.
2015.10.27 R.Suzuki(B4) and H.B.Othman(B4) had presentation at ICFD(International Conference on Flow Dynamics).
The picture at ICFD is here
2015.10.26 Manoranjan Mishra and Satyajit Pramanik(from IIT, Ropar) came to our Lab. to discuss.
2015.9.26,27 In the university festival of institute of Technology, our lab. got the third-place prize.
2015.6.27 The poster session was held by the students conference in Kanto area of the society of Chemical Engineers. K.Abe(B4) and R.Suzuki(B4) got the silver prize. That picture is here.
2015.5.20 Manoranjan Mishra(from Indian Institute of Technology) visits our laboratory.
2015.4.1 Start with new members. The detail is here.


Yuichiro Nagatsu, Ph.D
Department of Chemical Engineering,
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology,
2-24-16 Naka-cho, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8588, Japan
Tel: 81-42-388-7656
Copyright ? 2011-2022 Nagatsu Lab., All Rights Reserved.