
Department of Biological Production curriculum and Admissions

We will introduce the curriculum of the Department of Department of Biological Production Faculty of Agriculture.

Curriculum policy

Biological production is a comprehensive science that involves people and nature, from the production to consumption of agricultural products. In other words, it systematically covers a wide range of topics, from the basics of biology such as genetics, development, and enzyme reactions, to the analysis of biological production functions such as photosynthesis, nutrient absorption, nitrogen fixation, and lactation physiology, the analysis and improvement of production processes such as community structure, fertilization management, and livestock husbandry management, agricultural policies, and agricultural product distribution and consumption systems. In parallel with lectures on these topics, biological production experiments and training using actual materials, biological production training, and comprehensive agricultural management and economics seminars are conducted, allowing students to effectively learn theory and practice.


Specialized subject
School year Undergraduate common subjects Department common subjects Department specialized subjects
4th year   Graduation thesis <Production Technology and Environmental Subjects> Agricultural Engineering
<Agricultural Management and Economics Course> Sustainable Brussels Tourism
<New Area Course> Regional Partnership Theory
3rd year Modern Agriculture
Biological Resources
International Environmental Agriculture
Environmental and Bio-Correlated Theory
Animal and human behavior


Agricultural Microbiology
Analytical Chemistry
Agricultural Production
Introduction to Bioproduction in English
English Listening and Reading for Biological I & II
Agri-bio experiment
Off-campus training (farm) (research institute)
Graduation thesis

<Production Technology and Environmental Subjects>
Soil Material Cycle and Fertilizer Chemistry/Crop Protection Science/Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
<Plant Production Subjects>
Horticulture II/Plant Breeding/Plant Ecology
<Animal Production Subjects>
Livestock husbandry/Livestock reproductive science/Livestock breeding/Sericulture/Insect utilization /
Livestock Hygiene
<Agricultural Management and Economics Subjects>
Agricultural Market Studies/International Agricultural Development/Agricultural Resource Economics/Agricultural Quantitative Economic Analysis/ Comprehensive Seminar on Agricultural Management Economics/Rural Social Survey Practice
<New Area Subjects>
Biomass Energy/Genetic Cell Engineering
Special Lecture on Biological Production I (Environmental Sciences)
Special Lecture on Biological Production II (Plant Science)
Special Lecture on Biological Production III (Animal)
Special Lecture on Biological Production IV (Economics)
Food Risk Analysis/Animal Welfare
2nd year Career Guidance (Agriculture)
FS Experimental Training
Agricultural field training
◎Basic Experiments in Biological Production
<Production Technology and Environmental Subjects>
Soil Science/Agrometeorology
<Plant Production Subjects>
Plant Ecophysiology/Crop Science/Plant Nutrition/Horticulture I
<Animal Production Subjects>
Agricultural Entomology I & II/Livestock Morphology and Physiology
<Agricultural Management and Economics Subjects>
Agricultural Economics/Agricultural Management/Food System Economics
1st year Faculty of Agriculture Special Lectures I, II, III
Special Overseas Exercises I, II, III, IV
Overseas Special Training I & II
◎Biological Production Science Discussion
Information Processing
<Production Technology and Environmental Subjects>
Crop Agronomy/Field Experiments I & II
<Plant Production Subjects>
Plant Physiology/Plant Molecular Genetics
<Animal Production Subjects>
General Overview of Animal Husbandry




Qualifications that can be obtained

● Junior high school teacher class 1 license (science)
● High school teacher class 1 license (science/agriculture)
● Museum curator

For details, please see the course registration guide .

Diploma policy

  1. Students must have acquired a wide range of basic academic skills and knowledge in biological production science and related fields, and possess flexible thinking skills for solving problems.

  2. Understand the specialized field of biological production science and have advanced specialized knowledge.

  3. Students have acquired scientific research methods to solve issues facing humanity, such as food, agriculture, rural issues, and sustainable agriculture.

  4. Candidates must have a strong interest in and enthusiasm for agriculture, forestry, fisheries and related industries, the ability to contribute to their development with high ethical standards, and the ability to communicate smoothly with people of different cultures.

Admission policy

  1. Those who are interested in issues such as food, agriculture, rural issues, and sustainable agriculture that face humanity, and who have the desire to acquire advanced specialized knowledge related to agriculture.

  2. Those who have sufficient academic ability in science subjects such as biology, as well as basic subjects such as Japanese, mathematics, and English.


Department of Biological Production will conduct individual academic achievement tests as follows. For details, please click here.
For important information regarding entrance examinations, please click here.
For information on third-year transfer, please click here.

Faculty information session

Please see here for the event schedule.
