Research Subjects
Basic studies | The ASEM method enables magnetic imaging with the spatial resolution of ultrasound.
Based on this technique, we are exploring spin dynamics by acoustic excitation to create new non-destructive inspection methods and spin devices.
We aim to create new non-destructive inspection methods and spin devices based on this technology.
H. Yamada et al., Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 57, 07LB09 (2018).
H. Yamada et al., Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 086601 (2015).
H. Yamada et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 84, 044903 (2013).
![]() ![]() Measurements of acoustically induced magnetic polarization. |
Steel NDE |
Residual stresses in steel are a risk factor for infrastructure structures and steel components, and the ASEM method enables nondestructive, non-contact, ultrasonic magnetic imaging. ASEM allows non-destructive, non-contact magnetic imaging and acquisition of localized magnetic hysteresis characteristics. The magnetic properties of magnetic materials are sensitive to stress, and we have succeeded in converting magnetic imaging into residual stress imaging.
Y. Suzuki et al., IEEE T-UFFC 67, 825 (2020).
Flaw detection in steel
J. Yotsuji et al., ISIJ International 60, 948 (2020).
H. Yamada et al., Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 086601 (2015).
![]() Imaging of residual stress in steel. |
Infrastructure Inspection | Ductile reinforcing bars are embedded in reinforced concrete to reinforce concrete that is weak in tension. However, the rebar can corrode due to salt penetration. The ASEM method can nondestructively obtain the magnetic hysteresis characteristics of the rebar inside the concrete. The magnetic hysteresis characteristics are used to detect the early development of different magnetic properties, such as black rust and red rust, on the surface of the rebar.
![]() ![]() Non-destructive evaluation of reinforced concrete structures. |
Other applications | Evaluation of electromagnetic steel sheets, ceramics/resins, batteries/fuel cells, etc. |