

  1. Tomoko Yoshino, Yoshiaki Maeda, Tadashi Matsunaga, “Bioengineering of bacterial magnetic particles and their applications in biotechnology” Recent Patents on Biotechnology, 4(2), 214-225 (2010)
  2. 田中剛、吉野知子、松永是:「磁性ビーズを利用した生体分子の分析技術」ぶんせき, 3(3), 133-138 (2010)
  3. 田中剛、松永是:「バイオナノ磁石の創製とバイオ分析への応用」ナノ学会会報, 8, 85-89 (2010)
  4. 田中剛、前田義昌、松永是:「海洋藻類の燃料生産への応用」月刊化学工業, 2, 34-39 (2010)
  5. 吉野知子:「受容体解析に向けたバイオナノ磁性粒子上へのタンパク質ディスプレイ」YAKUGAKU ZASSHI, 129(11), 1319-1325 (2009)
  6. Yoshiaki Maeda, Tomoko Yoshino, Haruko Takeyama, Masaaki Takahashi, Harumi Ginya, Junko Asahina, Hideji Tajima, Tadashi Matsunaga: “Site-selective Immobilization of Streptavidin on Enzymatically Biotinylated Bacterial Magnetic Particles” Proceedings of MRS (Volume 1094E, 1094-DD07-19)
  7. Masayuki Takahashi, Tomoko Yoshino, Haruko Takeyama, and Tadashi Matsunaga: “One-step Separation of CD20+ Cells from Whole Blood Using Bacterial Magnetic Particles Displaying ProteinG” Proceedings of MRS (Volume 1094E, 1094-DD07-18)
  8. Tomoko Yoshino, Chihiro Kaji and Tadahi Matsunaga: “Bioengineering of Bacterial Magnetic Particles and its Application to Estrogen Receptor-Ligand Binding Assay” Proceedings of MRS (Volume 1094E, 1094-DD04-03)
  9. Atsushi Arakaki, Hidekazu Nakazawa, Michiko Nemoto, Tetsushi Mori, Tadashi Matsunaga: “Formation of Magnetite by Bacteria and Its Application” J. R. Soc. Interface, 5(26), 977-999 (2008)
  10. 松永是、吉野知子:「バイオナノ磁気ビーズの医療応用」表面技術, 59(6), 377-381 (2008)
  11. 吉野知子、松永是:「微生物を用いたバイオナノ磁性粒子の作製技術」化学と教育, 56(4), 192-195 (2008)
  12. Tadashi Matsunaga, Takeyuki Suzuki, Masayoshi Tanaka, Atsushi Arakaki: “Molecular Analysis of Magnetotactic Bacteria and Development of Functional Bacterial Magnetic Particles for Nano-Biotechnology” Tr. Biotecthol. (in press)
  13. 松永是、新垣篤史:「ゲノム情報に基づいた磁性細菌におけるバイオミネラリゼーション機構の解析」生体の科学, 57(6), 602-609 (2006)
  14. Tetsuya Osaka, Tadashi Matsunaga, Takuya Nakanishi, Atsushi Arakaki, Daisuke Niwa, Hironori Iida: “Synthesis of Magnetic Nanoparticles and Their Application to Bioassays” Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 384, 593-600 (2006)