
List of Courses (Weekly Time Table)
NOTE: This list is for STEP@TUAT 2019-2020 Program
It may change without notice for 2022-2023 Program.

Last updated Sep. 11, 2019

Fall Semester Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
  • Advanced Control System Analysis (AE5)/ Pongsathorn [Koganei L0032]
  • Overview for International Innovative Agricultural Science (AA1)/ Yamada [Fuchu 2-23]
  • Advances in Mechanical Systems Engineering (AE1)/ Dep. Mech. [Koganei L1153]
  • International Rural Development and Rural Area (AA3)/ Kawabata [Fuchu 2-14]
  • Visual Computing/ Saito (AE4) [Koganei L1113]
  • Elementary Japanese/ Hongo [Koganei 13-505]
  • Intermediate Japanese STEPUP/ Hongo[Koganei 13-501]
  • Advanced Theory of Elasto-Plasticity (AE7)/ Kuwabara and Sasahara [Koganei L1217]
  • International Cooperation of Science and Technology/ Kawabata [Fuchu LH1-23]
  • Advanced Chemical Process Engineering (AE6)/ Yamashita [Koganei L1211]
  • Wastewater Engineering and Environmental Microbiology (AE3)/ Terada [Koganei L1212]
  • Elementary Japanese STEPUP/ Hongo [Koganei 13-501]
  • Intermediate Japanese/ Hongo [Koganei 13-505]
  • Advanced Japanese/ Hongo [Koganei 13-505]
  • Comparative Studies in Sustainable and Symbiotic Society (AA2)/ Yamada [Fuchu LH2-21]
  • Parallel Processing and Computer Network (AE2)/ Nakajo [Koganei 7-3K]
  • Japanese Science and Technology/ Noma [Koganei 13-505]
  • Intercultural Communication/ Tasaki [Koganei 13-505]
  • Japanese Culture/ Ito [Fuchu Main-21]
  • Science and Technology in the Global Era/ Yasumura (Nov. 23, 30, Dec. 14, 21, 2019, and Jan. 11, 2020) [Koganei 13-505]
  • Advanced Biology/ Furuya and Yasumura (Feburary 17, 18, 19 and 20, 2020) [Koganei 13-505]
  • Language and Society/ Hongo (Feburary 5, 7, 12 and 14, 2020) [Koganei 13-501]
  • Engineering for Sustainable Society/ Noma (Feburary 6, 10 and 13, 2020) [Koganei 13-505]
  • Special Lecture on International Innovative Agricultural Science I/ Katsura (AA4) (Jan. 30, 31 and Feb. 1, 2020) [2N-103]
Notes  (AA #) = (Advanced Study on Agriculture #)
(AE #) = (Advanced Study on Engineering #)

Course Description

Elementary Japanese
[1 Credit] Tomoko HONGO and others
This course helps students acquire a basic understanding of Japanese sentence structure, vocabulary and discourse pattern to enable them to carry out simple everyday conversation for students who have little or no background of the Japanese.
Intermediate Japanese [1 Credit] Tomoko HONGO and others
The objective of this course is to provide students with opportunities to improve their Japanese knowledge and skills in all areas for everyday and academic life, developing active use of their knowledge through a variety of activities.
Advanced Japanese [1 Credit] Tomoko HONGO and others
The purpose of this course is to develop students' ability of reading and presentation skills for research activities. Students are expected to learn text structures, grammatical structures and expressions in academic Japanese, and to learn how to manage their presentation on scientific topics.
Elementary Japanese STEPUP [1 Credit] Tomoko HONGO and others
The objective of this course is to provide students with opportunities to develop communication skills and to learn basic Kanji for everyday life in Japan. Students are expected to learn everyday conversations and Japanese culture with a variety of video materials. They are also expected to acquire basic knowledge of Kanji and to learn how to use Kanji through various class activities.
Intermediate Japanese STEPUP [1 Credit] Tomoko HONGO and others
This course is provided for students who have finished Intermediate Japanese I. It offers them the opportunities to use what they have learned in the previous course through a variety of class activities.
Intercultural Communication [2 Credits] Atsuko TASAKI
The objective of this course is to increase students’ awareness of their own communication styles and cultural diversity issues, and cultivate their ability to conduct intercultural communication. Active participation in class discussions, through the sharing of different experiences and points of view, is expected to stimulate students’ cultural awareness.
Japanese Culture [2 Credits] Natsumi ITO
Objective of this course is to explore oneself in Japan and cultivate understanding of both Japanese culture and culture of multi-cultural background of international students through a variety of activities inside and outside the classroom.
Language and Society [2 Credits, Intensive] Tomoko HONGO
This course explores how the languages reflect the societies they are used in. By examining the language use in specific social contexts, the students observe and analyze its intentions and the social significance.

Japanese Science and Technology
[2 Credits] Tatsuo NOMA
This course is intended to cultivate a better understanding Japanese Science and Technology among students. We focus on current science and technology issues in Japan. These lectures will not only provide students with an important foundation in science and technology, but also help them develop ideas of their own research. In this semester the development and status of Japanese science and technology is explained through a keyword “Material” which acted as several breakthrough in the innovations in the field of science and technology.
International Cooperation of Science and Technology [2 Credits] Yoshiko KAWABATA
Humans have always inhabited two worlds. One is the natural world that preceded us and of which we are a part. The other is the world of social institutions and artifacts that we create for ourselves using science and Technology, and political organization. Both worlds are essential to our lives, but integrating them successfully causes enduring tensions. In this course, we introduce relationships between natural world and environmental science and technology.
Science and Technology in the Global Era [2 Credits, Intensive] Yuki YASUMURA
This course is designed to (1) gain insights into what it is like to conduct scientific research and technological development at a global scale, and (2) to nurture the mindsets and skills to understand and communicate with people who have different priorities and interests when discussing new technologies in the social context. This year, we will discuss food security, which is one of the major global issues we face today. Throughout the course, students are encouraged to understand diverse perspectives of people in different sectors of society as well as those of scientists.
Engineering for Sustainable Society [2 Credits, Intensive] Tatsuo NOMA
This course is intended to cultivate a better understanding engineering for sustainable world among students. We focus on the current issues in Japan and also compare with the situations in other countries. These lectures will not only provide students with an important foundation in engineering, but also help them develop ideas of their own research and global point of view. This course is a joint course with "Global Professional Program" a course for TUAT Japanese students. Therefore, participants can discuss with Japanese students in English. All instructions, lectures and discussion are given and done in English.
Advanced Biology [2 Credits, Intensive] Tesuya FURUYA and Yuki YASUMURA
This course is aimed to provide an opportunity to gain a fundamental understanding of ‘life’ at the cellular and molecular levels while learning about biotechnology and modern molecular techniques, and to apply such knowledge to other scientific studies and practices. The course includes lectures on the structure and function of cells, the mechanism of energy production in cells, and the transfer and utilization of genetic information from nucleic acids, especially DNA, to biomolecules. Updates on interdisciplinary biological topics relating to chemistry, physics, human and veterinary medicines will also be introduced. Students are then encouraged to discuss industrial and biomedical technologies that support our life today and our future. We will welcome biologists as well as those who are not specialized in biology but wish to broaden their scientific understanding.

Overview for International Innovative Agricultural Science (Advanced Study on Agriculture 1)
[2 Credits] Masaaki YAMADA
Review the history and current state of agriculture and rural society in Japan, referring to initiatives of producers, manufacturers, distributors and consumers for agricultural innovation, and discuss their potentials and challenges related to global food value chain development.Invite key persons for case studies of innovation in each area and field, who provide special lectures and question-and-answer sessions for course participants.
Comparative Studies in Sustainable and Symbiotic Society (Advanced Study on Agriculture 2) [2 Credits] Masaaki YAMADA
We aim to deepen participants' understanding on policies and project planning for sustainable agricultural and rural development, and how to disseminate technology, with reference to case studies in developing regions. Discuss the factors that influence development approach such as natural environment, available resources and population, and government and economy, and the outcomes and issues of development activities. Many of the participants are expected to have basic knowledge and experience on rural development, and to share and deepen their knowledge and insight through discussion and group projects. We also invite experts participating in our University's international contribution activities to give their special lectures. Finally, participants in groups will present their group projects on sustainable agricultural and rural development cooperation in class. Through this exercise, we will also examine the relations and differences between the development plan, and research plan taught in "International Environmental and Agricultural Science Communication Exercise".
International Rural Development and Rural Area (Advanced Study on Agriculture 3) [2 Credits] Yoshiko KAWABATA
In this course, learn the international rural development and rural area. In this field multidisciplinary approaches are important. We introduce the relationships between rural development and environmental science.
Special Lecture on International Innovative Agricultural Science I (Advanced Study on Agriculture 4) [2 Credits, Intensive] Keisuke KATSURA
The objective of this class is to deepen the understanding of current status and issues in agriculture, agricultural and rural development, food and nutrition security, environmental conservation, poverty reduction, international cooperation, etc. through comparative review of case studies in Asia and Africa.

Advances in Mechanical Systems Engineering (Advanced Study on Engineering 1)
[2 Credits] Professors of Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering
This course is intended to provide both international (STEP and AIMS) students and Japanese graduate students with an innovative and inclusive scope on the Advances in Mechanical Systems Engineering. The course consists of fourteen 90 minutes classes and all lectures are given in English by selected speakers in various field of Mechanical Systems Engineering.
Parallel Processing and Computer Network (Advanced Study on Engineering 2) [2 Credits] Hironori NAKAJO
Currently, high performance computers consist of multiple computers connected via network and perform parallel processing efficiently. In this class, we discuss processor technologies especially on cache memory in a computing system.
Cache technology for multi-processing is discussed, too.
Wastewater Engineering and Environmental Microbiology (Advanced Study on Engineering 3) [2 Credits] Akihiko TERADA
The 21st century is called as the century of “Water”. Due to population explosion and rapid development of industries in the late 20th century, the necessity of water/wastewater treatment is growing day by day. Throughout this course, students will learn how wastewater treatment plant works and how important biological reactions are to treat wastewaters.
Visual Computing (Advanced Study on Engineering 4) [2 Credits] Takafumi SAITO
Several topics from computer graphics, visualization, and shape processing are lectured.
Advanced Control System Analysis (Advanced Study on Engineering 5) [2 Credits] Pongsathorn RASKINCHAROENSAK
This course introduces the basic design theory of feedback control systems for linear dynamical systems. Several applications on automotive control as well as aircraft dynamics control are described based on control theories. Classical control and Modern control theories are introduced in the class. The theory of state observer and Kalman filtering are also introduced.
Advanced Theory of Elasto-Plasticity
Advanced Chemical Process Engineering (Advanced Study on Engineering 6) [2 Credits] Yoshiyuki YAMASHITA
This course will provide the student with the ability to formulate, solve and interpret meaningful optimization problems in engineering, science and business.
Advanced Theory of Elasto-Plasticity (Advanced Study on Engineering 7)[2 Credits] Toshihiko KUWABARA and Hiroyuki SASAHARA
A lot of industrial products are manufactured by using the die and mold. Die and mold play an important role as a manufacturing system. "Manufacturing process of die and mold it self" and "Manufacturing process of final products using dies and molds" are the main subject of this course. Then the base manufacturing knowledge which is necessary for a machanical engineer can be mastered.

Independent Study
[5 or 10 Credits] Professors of TUAT
Students who wish to pursue a particular research project not covered by STEP@TUAT can draft their own study proposal and be assigned to a professor in the appropriate faculty. The professor and the student should agree upon a study topic and its scope at the beginning of the semester, and the student will submit a report on the topic to the professor at the end of the semester.

Lecture Rooms

Fuchu Campus
Koganei Campus
Main-21 Main Building, 2F 13-501 Building 13, 5F
LH1-23 Lecture Hall 1, 2F 13-505 Building 13, 5F
LH2-21 Lecture Hall 2, 2F L0032 Lecture Hall, 3F
2-14 Building 2, 1F L1113 Building 11, 1F
2-23 Building 2, 2F L1153 Building 11, 5F
2N-103 Building 2, 1F L1211 Building 12, 1F
L1212 Building 12, 1F
7-3K Building 7, 3F