
Kaisawa open field seminar: Trial Again!!
Date: 9th.March.2022 start from 11:00(Japan standard time (+9:00))

1. What is detached stemflow? Ewet, Introduction of our trial
  sceduled time: 11:00(JST)
  Location and preview :No.3 and No.4 on the map below.
2. Tree evapo-transpiration, with forest floor evapotation. Edry
  sceduled time: 11:45(JST)
  Location and preview :No.5 on the map below.

Zoom meeting URL

Meeting ID: 827 3934 0545
Passcode: 007043

Referense presentation: Powerpoint for the Japan Forest Society annual research meeting 29th March 2022, online"
presentation(日本語 Japanese)

Related paper: HRL 2022
check here, A preliminary observation for quantifying detached stemflow

Previews and Monitoring Locations in the Kaisawa watershed

location map
Links for Survey types with YouTube URLs
1. Automatic observation system for surface erosion:
2. Multi-layre plot, through fall and stem flow ovbservation:
3. Detached stemflow observation by pool system in low-density plot:
4. Handmade tipping bucket flow meter in a field:
5. Evapo-transpiration plot with forest floor evaporation:
6. Wood debris at the weir 2nd:
7. The weir 2nd, buried by wood and soil debris:
8. H-Q check at weirs, brief explanation. Weir No.4:
9. H-Q check at weirs, Hydrology Observation. Weir No.3:
10. H-Q check at weirs, the second trial:

Special Thanks to Linh san, for creating the page