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Coating and Drying

Coating and Drying

Drying kinetics and flow of suspensions, emulsions and foams

When we dry a suspension of colloids, polymers or their mixture, solid components are condensed and finally,
solid film forms at some point. Drying is an event which is far from an equilibrium and therefore fumdamental understading is still insufficient.

Since films form due to evaporation of solvent, formation kinetics of solid films during drying is a key issue to manipulate properties of solid films. We have also examined how flexible interfaces affect drying kinetics. In this context, we expand our focus to emulsions and foams.

Flow of emulsions in a circular capillary tube.

Imbibition kinetics of water in polydisperse foams.

Evaporation kinetics of particle-stabilized water droplets immersed in invoplatile oil.

Birefringence of packed binary colloidal particles.

Figure 2 Recent results in drying, flow and packing using emulsions, foams and colloidal particles. Go to Page Top