

  1. Asakura,Tetsuo., Yoshimizu, Hiroaki. and Kakizaki, Mitsuhiro., An Esr Study ofSpin-Labeled Silk Fibroin Membranes and Spin-Labeled Glucose-OxidaseImmobilized in Silk Fibroin Membranes, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 35-5,511-517, 1990.
  2. Asakura,Tetsuo., Yamada, Hiroyuki., Demura, Makoto. and Osanai, Minoru., 13Cand 31P Nmr Analyses of the Cultured Posterior Silk Gland of theSilkworm, Bombyx-Mori - Silk Fibroin Production and the Effect ofSorbitol-6-Phosphate, Insect Biochem, 20-3, 261-266, 1990.
  3. Yoshimizu,Hiroaki. and Asakura, Tetsuo., Preparation and Characterization of Silk FibroinPowder and Its Application to Enzyme Immobilization, J. Appl. Polym. Sci,40-1-2, 127-134, 1990.
  4. Yoshimizu,Hiroaki. and Asakura, Tetsuo., The Structure of Bombyx-Mori Silk FibroinMembrane Swollen by Water Studied with Esr, C-13-Nmr, and Ft-Ir Spectroscopies,J. Appl. Polym. Sci, 40-9-10, 1745-1756, 1990.
  5. Saito,Hazime., Ishida, Mika., Yokoi, Motoko. and Asakura, Tetsuo., Dynamic Featuresof Side-Chains in Tyrosine and Serine Residues of Some Polypeptides andFibroins in the Solid as Studied by High-Resolution Solid-State C-13Nmr-Spectroscopy, Macromolecules, 23-1, 83-88, 1990.
  6. Ishida,Mika., Asakura, Tetsuo., Yokoi, Motoko. and Saito, Hazime., Solvent-Induced andMechanical-Treatment-Induced Conformational Transition of Silk Fibroins Studiedby High-Resolution Solid-State C-13 Nmr-Spectroscopy, Macromolecules, 23-1,88-94, 1990.
  7. Yamamoto,Ryota., Araki, Kazuo., Imamura, Yoshio., Asakura, Tetsuo., Iizuka, Eisaku. andIida, Shuji., C-13 Nmr-Studies of Thermotropic Liquid-Crystalline Poly(Gamma-AlkylarylL-Glutamate)S, Makromol. Chem, 191-2, 345-354, 1990.
  8. Lenka,Subasini., Demura, Makoto. and Asakura, Tetsuo., C-13 Nmr-Studies of thePolymerization Mechanism and the Dynamics of Poly(AlkylMethacrylate) Grafted onto Silk Fibers, Makromol. Chem, 191-6,1321-1327, 1990.
  9. Yamamoto,Ryota., Araki, Kazuo., Imamura, Yoshio., Iimura, Kazuyoshi., Asakura, Tetsuo.and Iizuka, Eisaku., Molecular Side-Chain Motion and Its Free-Volume inThermotropic Liquid-Crystalline Poly(Gamma-AlkoxybenzylL-Glutamate)S Using Spin Probe Electron-Paramagnetic Resonance, Makromol.Chem., Rapid commun, 11-6, 293-298, 1990.
  10. Ando,Isao., Yamanobe, Takeshi and Asakura, Tetsuo., Primary and Secondary Structuresof Synthetic-Polymer Systems as Studied by 13C Nmr-Spectroscopy,Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc, 22, 349-400, 1990.
  11. 弌懞惤, 崄懞嫳巎, 暯弌孾 and 挬憅揘榊, 儕僷乕僛屌掕壔對僼傿僽儘僀儞枌偺峺慺惈擻偲偦偺枌揹埵墳摎惈, 慇堐妛夛帍, 46-9,391-396, 1990.
  12. 仩挬憅揘榊, 弌懞惤, 僌儖僐乕僗僙儞僒乕傊偺晄怐晍偺墳梡, 僶僀僆僀儞僟僗僩儕乕,1990, 7, 676-682
  13. 仩挬憅揘榊, 對偺懱奜惗嶻, 崅暘巕,1990, 39, 523
  14. 仩挬憅揘榊, 對尋媶嵟慜慄, 僶僂儞僟儕乕,1990, 6, 49-57
  15. 仩挬憅揘榊, 慇堐偺彈墹, 對偺戝曄恎, 偍傕偟傠偄僶僀僆怴慺嵽偺偼側偟, 徏塱惀, 杮媨払栫曇挊, 擔姧岺嬈怴暦,1990, 23-33

  1. Demura,Makoto., Komura, Takashi. and Asakura, Tetsuo., Membrane-Potential of Bombyx-MoriSilk Fibroin Membrane Induced by an Immobilized Enzyme Reaction,Bioelectrochem. Bioenerg., 26-2, 167-175, 1991.
  2. Asakura,Tetsuo., Demura, Makoto., Nagashima, Mariko., Sakaguchi, Ryuji., Osanai,Minoru. and Ogawa, Katsuaki., Metabolic Flux and Incorporation of[2-C-13]Glycine into Silk Fibroin Studied by C-13 Nmr Invivo and Invitro,Insect Biochem, 21-7, 743-748, 1991.
  3. 挬憅揘榊, 杒岥尮孾, 弌懞惤, 庰堜帯棙, 嬥巕惓晇, 孖壀憦 and 彫徏寁, 乽晄怐晍昞柺偵僐乕僥傿儞僌偝傟偨僗僺儞儔儀儖僌儖僐乕僗僆僉僔僟乕僛側傜傃偵僗僺儞儔儀儖對僼傿僽儘僀儞偺ESR夝愅乿, J.Seric.Sci.Jpn, 60-6,466-474, 1991.
  4. Asakura,Tetsuo., Nakamura, Eiji., Asakawa, Harumi. and Demura, Makoto., Ring-CurrentEffects and Magnetic-Anisotropy Effects of Carbonyl Groups on the Alpha-ChProton Chemical-Shifts of the Basic Pancreatic Trypsin-Inhibitor andTendamistat,  J Magn Reson, 93-2, 355-360, 1991.
  5. Williamson,Michael P. and Asakura, Tetsuo., Calculation of Chemical-Shifts of Protons onAlpha Carbons in Proteins, J Magn Reson, 94-3, 557-562, 1991.
  6. Demura,Makoto. and Asakura, Tetsuo., Porous Membrane of Bombyx-Mori SilkFibroin - Structure Characterization, Physical-Properties and Application toGlucose-Oxidase Immobilization, J.Membrane Sci., 59-1, 39-52, 1991.
  7. Kaneko,Masao., Iwahata, Shinichi. and Asakura, Tetsuo., Luminescence Form Excited Tris(2,2'-Bipyridine)-Ruthenium(Ii)Incorporated into a Silk Fibroin Membrane, J. Photochem. Photobiol. A, 61-3,373-380, 1991.
  8. Asakura,Tetsuo., Demura, Makoto., Ogawa, Hidejiro., Matsushita, Kazuhiro. and Imanari,Mamoru., NMR imaging of diffusion of small organic molecules in silk fibroingel, Macromolecules, 24-2, 620-622, 1991.
  9. Asakura,Tetsuo., Demura, Makoto. and Nishiyama, Yuko., 13C Nmr SpectralAssignment of 5 Polyolefins Determined from the Chemical-Shift Calculation andthe Polymerization Mechanism, Macromolecules, 24-9, 2334-2340, 1991.
  10. Yoshimizu,Hiroaki., Asakura, Tetsuo. and Kaneko, Masao., Luminescent Characteristics ofTris(2,2'-Bipyridine)-Ruthenium(Ii)Adsorbed in a Silk Fibroin Membrane, Makromol. Chem, 192-7, 1649-1654,1991.
  11. Asakura,Tetsuo., Hirano, Koki., Demura, Makoto. and Kato, Kazuya., 2D-in Adequate 13CNmr-Spectra of Atactic Polyolefins, Makromol. Chem., Rapid commun, 12-4,215-220, 1991.
  12. Asakura,Tetsuo. and Nakayama, Nobuhiko., C-13 Nuclear-Magnetic-Resonance Analysis ofPoly(3-Methyl-1-Butene),Polymer Comm, 32-7, 213-216, 1991.
  13. 仩埨摗孧, 挬憅揘榊, 崅暘巕壔妛,乬幚尡壔妛島嵗5姫MRh(峳揷梞帯曇),1991, 娵慞,261-296

  1. Demura,Makoto., Takekawa, Toshihiro., Asakura, Tetsuo. and Nishikawa, Akihumi.,Characterization of Low-Temperature-Plasma Treated Silk Fibroin Fabrics by Escaand the Use of the Fabrics as an Enzyme-Immobilization Support,Biomaterials, 13-5, 276-280, 1992.
  2. Williamson,Michael P. and Asakura, Tetsuo., The Application of H-1-Nmr Chemical-ShiftCalculations to Diastereotopic Groups in Proteins, FEBS Lett., 302-2,185-188, 1992.
  3. 弌懞惤, 抾擵壓恗巕, 挬憅揘榊, 庰堜帯棙, 孖壀憦, 彫徏寁堦 and 嬥巕惓晇, 乽對僙僔儕儞 / 對僼傿僽儘僀儞僽儗儞僪僐乕僥傿儞僌偵傛傞峺慺屌掕壔晄怐晍乿, J.Seric.Sci.Jpn, 61-1,66-72, 1992.
  4. Asakura,Tetsuo, Kitaguchi, Motohiro, Demura, Makoto, Sakai, Harutoshi and Komatsu,Keiichi, Immobilization of glucose oxidase on nonwoven fabrics with Bombyxmori silk fibroin gel, J. Appl. Polym. Sci, 46-1, 49-53, 1992.
  5. Williamson,Michael P., Asakura, Tetsuo., Nakamura, Eiji. and Demura, Makoto., A Method forthe Calculation of Protein Alpha-Ch Chemical-Shifts, J. Biomol. NMR, 2-1,83-98, 1992.
  6. Asakura,Tetsuo., Niizawa, Yoshimi. and Williamson, Michael P., Determination of theMagnetic-Anisotropy of the Oxygen Atom and H-1 Chemical-Shift Calculation ofProteins, J Magn Reson, 98-3, 646-653, 1992.
  7. Asakura,Tetsuo., Demura, Makoto., Watanabe, Yasuo. and Sato, Kazuo., H-1 PulsedNmr-Study of Bombyx-Mori Silk Fibroin - Dynamics of Fibroin and ofAbsorbed Water, J Polymer Sci B Polymer Phys, 30-7, 693-699, 1992.
  8. 挬憅揘榊, 弌懞惤, 拞懞塸擇 and 埨摗孧,Basic Pancreatic Trypsin Inhibitor偺兛-CH媦傃NH 1HNMR壔妛僔僼僩偺棟榑揑寁嶼,Kobunshi Ronbunshu, 49-4, 281-287, 1992.
  9. Aoki,Akira., Hayashi, Tetsuo. and Asakura, Tetsuo., C-13 Nmr Chemical-ShiftAssignments of Comonomer Sequences in a 1-Butene Propylene Copolymer,Macromolecules, 25-1, 155-160, 1992.
  10. Asakura,Tetsuo., Nakayama, Nobuhiko., Demura, Makoto. and Asano, Atsushi., C-13 Nmr SpectralAssignments of Regioirregular Polypropylene Determined from 2-DimensionalInadequate Spectra and Chemical-Shift Calculations, Macromolecules, 25-19,4876-4881, 1992.
  11. Kaneko,Masao, Takekawa, Toshihiro and Asakura, Tetsuo, Photoluminescent copolymer-pendantRu(BPY)32+grafted onto non-woven silk fabric and its application to oxygen sensor,Makromol Chem Macromol Symp, 59-1, 183-197, 1992.
  12. Kaneko,Masao., Iwahata, Shinichi. and Asakura, Tetsuo., Quenching of Photoexcited 4,4'-Dicarboxy

    -2,2'-Bipyridinebis(2,2'-Bipyridine)Ruthenium(Ii)by Oxygen in Aqueous-Solution and in Silk Fibroin Membrane, Photochem.Photobiol., 55-4, 505-509, 1992.
  13. Asakura,Tetsuo. and Nakayama, Nobuhiko., 2D-Inadequate 13CNuclear-Magnetic-Resonance Assignment of Regioirregular Poly(1-Butene),Polymer, 33-3, 650-654, 1992.
  14. 仩挬憅揘榊, 僐儞僼僅儊乕僔儑儞, 崅暘巕偲惗懱崅暘巕偺NMR(拞瀶棙堦榊傜曇), 搶嫗壔摨恖,1992, 79-92
  15. 仩挬憅揘榊, 弌懞惤, 對偺怴偟偄棙梡偲僇僀僐懱奜偱偺惗嶻, 崅暘巕壔岺1992,41, 442-446
  16. 仩Horii, F .; Nakagawa, M .; Kitamaru, R .; Chujo, R.; Hatada, K .; Tanaka, Y .; Amiya, S .; Asakura, T .; Chikaishi, K. ; Goto, Y.; Hikichi, K .; Hirakida, Y. ; Hosoda, S .; Imanari, M .; Itoh, S .; Kamachi,M .; Kawamura, T .; Kitayama, T .; Kohjiya, S .; Lee, K .; Nagoya, I .; Oka, Y.; Okada, T .; Okumura, M .; Saito, T .; Sato, H .; Sei, T .; Seimiya, T .;Shiibashi, T .; Shimamura, T .; Shimoda, M .; Takai, Y .; Tanaka, H .;Terawaki, Y .; Usami, T. ; Ute, K .; Yonemitsu, T ., NMR Measurements ofIdentical Polymer Samples by Round-Robin Method .3. Analysis of FrequencyDependences of C-13 Spin-Lattice Relaxation-Times and Nuclear OverhauserEnhancements. Polymer Journal, 1992, 24,(10), 1155-1164.

  1. Nicholson,Linda. K., Asakura, Tetsuo., Demura, Makoto. and Cross, Thimosy. A., A Methodfor Studying the Structure of Uniaxially Aligned Biopolymers Using Solid-StateN-15-Nmr-Application to Bombyx-Mori Silk Fibroin Fibers, Biopolymers, 33-5,847-861, 1993.
  2. Asakura,Tetsuo., Sakaguchi, Ryuji., Demura, Makoto., Manabe, Takuro., Uyama, Atsuo.,Ogawa, Katsuaki. and Osanai, Minoru., Invitro Production of Bombyx-MoriSilk Fibroin by Organ-Culture of the Posterior Silk Glands - Isotope Labelingand Fluorination of the Silk Fibroin, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 41-2,245-252, 1993.
  3. Williamson,Michael P. and Asakura, Tetsuo., Empirical Comparisons of Models forChemical-Shift Calculation in Proteins, J Magn Reson B, 101-1, 63-71,1993.
  4. Asakura,Tetsuo., Yeo, Joo-Hong., Demura, Makoto., Itoh, Takuro., Fujito, Teruaki.,Imanari, Mamoru., Nicholson, Linda. K. and Cross, Timothy. A.,Structural-Analysis of Uniaxially Aligned Polymers Using Solid-State 15NNmr, Macromolecules, 26-24, 6660-6663, 1993.
  5. Kanezaki,Takashi., Kume, Kazuo., Sato, Kazuo. and Asakura, Tetsuo., 13Cn.m.r. determination of the isotacticity of the propylene homopolymer part inethylene-propylene block copolymers, Polymer, 34-14, 3129-3131, 1993.

  1. Asakura,Tetsuo. and David, L. Kaplan., Silk Production and Processing, in "Encyclopediaof Agricultural Science", Ed. byC.J.Arutzen, Academic Press, 26, 1405-1408, 1994.
  2. Asakura,Tetsuo., Demura, Makoto, Uyama, Atsuo., Ogawa, Katsuaki., Ogawa, Keiichi.,Nicholson, Linda. K. and Timothy, A. Cross, NMR Characterization of SilkProteins, ACS Symposium Series; Silks; Biology, Structure, Properties, Gentics,ACSBooksDepartment,in Chapter 13, 148-154, 1994.
  3. Asakura,Tetsuo, Demura, Makoto and Hayashi, Tetsuo, 13C NMR Assignments of Polyolefinesand Olefine Copolymers Based on the 13C NMR Chemical ShiftCalculations and 2D INADEQUATE NMR, Annu. Rep. NMR Spectrosc, 29,325-404, 1994.
  4. Ono,Atsusi., Miyauchi, Seizi., Demura, Makoto., Asakura, Tetsuo. and Kamo, Naoki.,Activation-Energy for Permeation of Phosphonium Cations throughPhospholipid-Bilayer Membrane, Biochemistry (Mosc).33-14, 4312-4318,1994.
  5. Asakura,Tetsuo., Demura, Makoto., Hiraishi, Yoshiaki., Ogawa, Katsuaki. and Uyama,Atsuo., Determination of the Structure of [1-13C]Glycine-[15N]AlanineDouble-Labeled Bombyx-Mori Silk Fibroin Fibers Using Solid-State 15NNmr, Chem. Lett, 23-12, 2249-2252, 1994.
  6. Demura,Makoto. and Asakura, Tetsuo., Structural Characterization of Samia cynthisricini Silk Fibroin as Biomaterial, Int. J. wild silkmoth & silk, 1-2,139-141, 1994.
  7. Demura,Makoto. and Asakura, Tetsuo., Structural characterization of Samia cynthiaricini silk fibroin as a biomaterial, Int. J. wild Silkmoth & Silk, 1-2,139-141, 1994.
  8. Yeo,Joo-Hong., Asakura, Tetsuo. and Shimazaki, Hisashi., Structural-Analyses ofPoly(M-Xylene-Alpha,Alpha'-Diyladipamideand Nylon-66 by N-15 and Solid-State Nmr, Macromol. Chem. Phys, 195-4,1423-1431, 1994.
  9. Kanezaki,Takashi., Kijima, Masato., Kume, Kazuo., Sato, Kazuo. and Asakura, Tetsuo., 13CNmr Sequence-Analysis of Ethylene-兛-MethylstyreneCopolymers, Polymer, 35-12, 2523-2527, 1994.
  10. Asakura,Tetsuo., Yeo, Joo-Hong. and Ando, Isao., Structure of Polyamide Fibers in theNoncrystalline Domain Studied by N-15 Solid-State Nmr, Polym. J, 26-2,229-233, 1994.
  11. Asakura,Tetsuo., Aoki, Akira., Demura, Makoto., James, M. Joers., Richard, C. Rosanske.and Terry, Gullion., Structure of Bombyx-Mori Silk Fibroin Studied byRedor Nmr-Spectroscopy, Polym. J, 26-12, 1405-1408, 1994.
  12. Asakura,Tetsuo., Demura, Makoto., Uyama, A., Ogawa, K., Komatsu, K., Nicholson, L. K.and Cross, T. A., Nmr Characterization of Silk Proteins, Silk Polymers,544, 148-154, 1994.
  13. Yeo,Joo-Hong., Demura, Makoto., Asakura, Tetsuo., Fujito, Teruaki., Imanari,Mamoru., Nicholson, Linda. K. and Timothy, A. Cross, Structural-Analysis ofHighly Oriented Poly(P-Phenylene Terephthalamide) by 15NSolid-State Nuclear-Magnetic-Resonance, Solid State Nucl. Magn. Reson.,3-4, 209-218, 1994.
  14. 楥憈峖 and 挬憅揘榊, 乽屌懱15N NMR偵傛傞攝岦崅暘巕偺峔憿夝愅偺棟榑乿, 崅暘巕榑暥廤, 51-1,43-46, 1994.
  15. 楥憈峖, 弌懞惤, 彫拞戲妜恗, 挬憅揘榊, 埳摗戩榊, 摗屗婸徍 and 崱惉巌, 乽屌懱15N NMR偵傛傞億儕傾儈僪宯慇堐偺峔憿夝愅乿, 崅暘巕榑暥廤, 51-1,47-51, 1994.
  16. 媏抧弤, 摗揷寷堦,Williamson, Michael P. and 挬憅揘榊, 乽1H NMR壔妛僔僼僩寁嶼朄傪摫擖偟偨僞儞僷僋幙梟塼峔憿夝愅僔僗僥儉偺奐敪乿, 崅暘巕榑暥廤, 51-6,409-413, 1994.
  17. 惵栘柧椙, 拞嶳怣旻, 椦揘抝 and 挬憅揘榊, 乽僄僠儗儞乕僾儘僺儗儞乕1-僽僥儞嫟廳崌懱偺13C NMR僗儁僋僩儖偺婣懏偲峔憿夝愅乿, 崅暘巕榑暥廤, 51-10,676-684, 1994.
  18. Minami,Masashi., Takatsu, Rika., Demura, Makoto. and Asakura, Tetsuo., A Study on theHydration of Bombyx mori Silk Fibroin by Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceSpectroscopy, 慇堐妛夛帍, 50-11,498-504, 1994.
  19. 仩挬憅揘榊, 僔儖僋偱恌抐傪, 乬僔儖僋偺壢妛乭, 擔杮妛弍夛媍嶾巺妛尋媶楢棈埾堳夛曇, 挬憅彂揦,1994, 172-177
    20. 仩挬憅揘榊, 楥憈峖, 屌懱NMR偵傛傞崅攝岦崅暘巕嵽椏偺峔憿夝愅亅棟榑傾僾儘乕僠偲峔憿夝愅傊偺墳梡亅, 昞柺, 1994, 32, 4,264-270
  20. 仩挬憅揘榊, 慇堐偲屌懱NMR, 慇堐妛夛帍,1994, 50, 3-4

  1. Asakura,Tetsuo., Polymers: Regio-Irregular Structure. (Encyclopediaof Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 3722-3727), (Ed.D.M. Grant and R.K.Harris) (John Wiley &Sons, London), 1995.
  2. Nishiyama,Norihiro., Asakura, Tetsuo., Suzuki, Kazuomi., Horie, Kozo. and Nemoto,Kimiya., Effects of a Structural-Change in Collagen Upon Binding to ConditionedDentin Studied by 13C Nmr, J. Biomed. Mater. Res., 29-1,107-111, 1995.
  3. Asakura,Tetsuo., Taoka, Kazuhiro., Demura, Makoto. and Williamson, Michael P., TheRelationship between Amide Proton Chemical-Shifts and Secondary Structure inProteins, J. Biomol. NMR, 6-3, 227-236, 1995.
  4. Williamson,Michael P., Kikuchi, Jun. and Asakura, Tetsuo., Application of 1H-NmrChemical-Shifts to Measure the Quality of Protein Structures, J. Mol. Biol.,247-4, 541-546, 1995.
  5. Umemoto,Kimiko., Kikuchi, Jun., Narita, Mitsuaki., Fujita, Kenichi. and Asakura,Tetsuo., Conformations of Synthetic Model Peptides for Plasmodium-FalciparumCircumsporozoite Protein in Me2So by H-1-Nmr and Distance GeometryCalculations, Polym. J, 27-4, 347-360, 1995.
  6. 仩挬憅揘榊, 弌懞惤, 對惗嶻愝寁, 怴慇堐壢妛亅僯儏乕僼儘儞僥傿傾傊偺挧愴亅, 捠彜嶻嬈挷嵏,1995, 475-479
  7. 仩挬憅揘榊, 妏搙埶懚屌懱NMR偵傛傞僞儞僷僋幙慇堐偺尨巕嵗昗偺寛掕, 惗暔暔棟,1995, 35, 280-282
  8. 仩挬憅揘榊, 嶳墑寬, 崟巕峅摴, 崌惉崅暘巕\憿夝愅e怴崅暘巕幚尡妛5姫倳獛q偺峔憿乮1乯亅帴婥嫟柭f(埨摗孧曇), 嫟棫弌斉,1995, 238-269

  1. Uchiyama,Taketo., Woltering, Thomas J., Wong, Weichyun, Lin, Chun-Cheng, Kajimoto,Tetsuya., Takebayashi, Maki., Wéitz-Schmidt,Gabriel, Asakura, Tetsuo., Noda, Masatoshi. and Wong, Chi-Huey, Design andsynthesis of C-linked fucosides as inhibitors of E-selectin, Bioorg. Med.Chem., 4-7, 1149-1165, 1996.
  2. Matsuzaki,Kei., Uryu, Toshiyuki. and Asakura, Tetsuo., NMR spectroscopy andstereoregularity of polymers, Japan Scientific Societies Press, Tokyo,275, 1996.
  3. Nishiyama,Norihiro., Suzuki, Kazuomi., Asakura, Tetsuo., Nakai, Hiroyuki., Yasuda,Seijiro. and Nemoto, Kimiya., The effects of pH of N-methacryloyl glycineprimer on bond strength to acid-etched dentin, J. Biomed. Mater. Res., 31-3,379-384, 1996.
  4. Asakura,Tetsuo., Iwadate, Mitsuo., Date, Takeshi., Demura, Makoto. and Nokihara,Kiyoshi., Refinement of the Solution Structure of Neurokinin A (4-10)on the Basic of 1H NMR Chemical Shift Calculations, Peptidechemistry, 1996, 345-348, 1996.
  5. Asakura,Tetsuo., Konakazawa, Takehito., Demura, Makoto., Ito, Takuro. and Maruhashi,Yoshitsugu., Structural analysis of uniaxially oriented C-13-labelled poly(ethyleneterephthalate) films studied with solid-state C-13 nuclear magnetic resonancespectroscopy, Polymer, 37-10, 1965-1973, 1996.
  6. Asakura,Tetsuo., Aoki, Akira., Date, Takeshi., Demura, Makoto. and Asanuma, Tadashi.,High resolution solid state 13C NMR spectroscopy of polypropylenewith very high syndiospecificity, Polym. J, 28-1, 24-29, 1996.

  1. Asakura,Tetsuo., Demura, Makoto. and Nishikawa, Naoki., Structural Analysis of OrientedPolymers by Solid-state NMR, Annu. Rep. NMR Spectrosc, 34, 301-346,1997.
  2. Asakura,Tetsuo., Demura, Makoto., Date, Takeshi., Miyashita, Naoshi. and Williamson,Michael P., NMR study of silk I structure of Bombyx mori silk fibroinwith 15N- and 13C-NMR chemical shift contour plots,Biopolymers, 41-2, 193-203, 1997.
  3. Asakura,Tetsuo., Minami, Masashi., Shimada, Reiko., Demura, Makoto., Osanai, Minoru.,Fujito, Teruaki., Imanari, Mamoru. and Ulrich, Anne. S., 2H-Labelingof silk fibroin fibers and their structural characterization by solid-state 2HNMR, Macromolecules, 30-8, 2429-2435, 1997.
  4. Williamson,Michael P. and Asakura, Tetsuo., Protein Chemical Shifts, Methods in MolecularBiology, Protein NMR Techniques Edited by D. G. Reid Humana PressInc.,Totowa, NJ, 60, 53-69, 1997.
  5. 仩Asakura, T.; Iwadate, M.; Date, T.; Demura, M.;Nokihara,K., Refinement of the Solution Structure of Neurokinin A (4-10) on theBasis of 1H NMR Chemical Shift Calculations. Peptide Chemistry, 1996 1997,345-348.
  6. 仩Asakura, T.; Demura, M.; Naoki, N., StructuralAnalysis of Oriented Polymers by Solid State NMR, (Annual Reports on NMRSpectroscopy) (Ed. G.A. Webb) (ACADEMIC PRESS, London), 1997, 34, 301-346.
  7. 仩Asakura, T., NMR study on Fiber Structure. SEN-IGAKKAISHI, 1997, 53, 300-304.

  1. Iwadate,Mitsuo., Asakura, Tetsuo. and Williamson, Michael P., The structure of themelittin tetramer at different temperatures - An NOE-based calculation withchemical shift refinement, Eur. J. Biochem., 257-2, 479-487, 1998.
  2. Nishiyama,Norihiro., Asakura, Tetsuo., Suzuki, Kazuomi., Sato, Tatsusako. and Nemoto, Kimiya.,Adhesion mechanisms of resin to etched dentin primed with N-methacryloylglycine studied by C-13-NMR, J. Biomed. Mater. Res., 40-3, 458-463,1998.
  3. Asakura,Tetsuo., Demura, Makoto., Yamazaki, Y. and Ogawa, K., Structure of uniaxiallyaligned C-13 labeled silk fibroin fibers with solid state C-13-NMR, J. Mol.Struc, 441-2-3, 155-163, 1998.
  4. Demura,Makoto., Yamazaki, Yasunobu., Asakura, Tetsuo. and Ogawa, Katsuaki., Structureof uniaxially aligned 13C labeled silk fibroin fibers with solidstate 13C-NMR, J. Mol. Struc, 441-2–3,155-163, 1998.
  5. Asakura,Tetsuo., Yamazaki, Yasunobu., Seng, Koo Wey and Demura, Makoto., Determinationof the mutual orientation of the 15N and 13C NMR chemicalshift tensors of 13C-15N double labeled model peptidesfor silk fibroin from the dipolar-coupled powder patterns, J. Mol. Struc,446-3, 179-190, 1998.
  6. Demura,Makoto., Minami, Masashi., Asakura, Tetsuo. and Cross, T. A., Structure ofBombyx mori Silk Fibroin Based on Solid-State NMR Orientational Constraintsand Fiber Diffraction Unit Cell Parameters, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 120-6,1300-1308, 1998.
  7. Nishikawa,Naoki., Tanizawa, Yoshiaki., Tanaka, Shoichi., Horiguchi, Yasunobu., Matsuno,Hitomi. and Asakura, Tetsuo., Carbon-13 n.m.r. studies of keratin intermediatefilament of human hair, Polymer, 39-4, 1001-1004, 1998.
  8. Nishikawa,Naoki., Tanizawa, Yoshiaki., Tanaka, Shoichi., Horiguchi, Yasunobu. andAsakura, Tetsuo., Structural change of keratin protein in human hair bypermanent waving treatment, Polymer, 39-16, 3835-3840, 1998.
  9. Nishikawa,Naoki., Tanizawa, Yoshiaki., Tanaka, Shoichi., Horiguchi, Yasunobu., Matsuno,Hitomi. and Asakura, Tetsuo., pH dependence of the coiled-coil structure ofkeratin intermediate filament in human hair by 13C NMR spectroscopyand the mechanism of its disruption, Polym. J, 30-2, 125-132, 1998.
  10. Asakura,Tetsuo. and Demura, Makoto., Oriented Fibers and Polymers in "SolidState NMR of Polymers", Studies inPhysical and Theoretical Chemistry, 84, 307-326, 1998.
  11. Aoki,Akira. and Asakura, Tetsuo., Polyolefins in "SolidState NMR of Polymers", Studies inPhysical and Theoretical Chemistry, 84, 415-444, 1998.
  12. Ando,Isao. and Asakura, Tetsuo., Polyamides in "SolidState NMR of Polymers", Studies inPhysical and Theoretical Chemistry, 84, 445-468, 1998.
  13. Asakura,Tetsuo. and Ito, Takuro., Poly (ethyleneterephthalate) in "Solid State NMR of Polymers", Studiesin Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, 84, 491-507, 1998.
  14. Asakura,Tetsuo., Demura, Makoto., Nishikawa, Naoki. and Yoshimizu, Hiroaki., FibrousProteins in "SolidState NMR of Polymers", Studies inPhysical and Theoretical Chemistry, 84, 853-890, 1998.

  1. Asakura,Tetsuo., Polymers: Regio-Irregular Structure, 3722-3727, 1999.
  2. Kikuchi,Jun., Mitsui, Yuki., Asakura, Tetsuo., Hasuda, Katsumi., Araki, Hiromitsu. andOwaku, Kouji., Spectroscopic investigation of tertiary fold of staphylococcalprotein A to explore its engineering application, Biomaterials, 20-7,647-654, 1999.
  3. Ueki,Masaaki., Ikeo, Takayoshi., Iwadate, Mitsuo., Asakura, Tetsuo., Williamson.,Michael P. and Slaninova, Jirina., Solid phase synthesis and biologicalactivities of [Arg8]-vasopressin methylenedithioether, Bioorg.Med. Chem. Lett., 9-13, 1767-1772, 1999.
  4. Kikuchi,Jun., Asakura, Tetsuo., Loach, Paul A., Parkes-Loach, Pamela S., Shimada,Keizo., Hunter, C. Neil, Conroy, Matthew J. and Williamson, Michael P., Alight-harvesting antenna protein retains its folded conformation in the absenceof protein-lipid and protein-pigment interactions, Biopolymers, 49-5,361-372, 1999.
  5. Nakazawa,Yasumoto., Nakai, Toshimoto., Kameda, Tsunenori. and Asakura, Tetsuo., A 13CNMR study on the structural change of silk fibroin from Samia cynthia ricini,Chemical Physics Letters, 311-5, 362-366, 1999.
  6. Higuchi,Akon., Uchiyama, Shigeru., Demura, Makoto., Asakura, Tetsuo., Cho, Chong-Su.,Akaike, Toshihiro., Takarada, Hirokazu. and Hara, Mariko., Enhanced CEAproduction associated with aspirin in a culture of CW-2 cells on some polymericfilms, Cytotechnology, 31-3, 233-242, 1999.
  7. Hori,Yumiko., Demura, Makoto., Niidome, Takuro., Aoyagi, Haruhiko. and Asakura,Tetsuo., Orientational behavior of phospholipid membranes with mastoparanstudied by 31P solid state NMR, FEBS Lett., 455-3, 228-232,1999.
  8. Asakura,Tetsuo, Iwadate, Mitsuo, Demura, Makoto and Williamson, Michael P., Structuralanalysis of silk with 13C NMR chemical shift contour plots,Int.J._Biol. Macromol., 24-2–3, 167-171,1999.
  9. Asakura,Tetsuo. and Kikuchi, Jun., Use of 13C conformation-dependentchemical shifts to elucidate the local structure of a large protein withhomologous domains in solution and solid state, J. Biochem. Biophys. Methods,38-3, 203-208, 1999.
  10. Kikuchi,Jun. and Asakura, Tetsuo., Use of 13C conformation-dependentchemical shifts to elucidate the local structure of a large protein withhomologous domains in solution and solid state, J. Biochem. Biophys. Methods,38-3, 203-208, 1999.
  11. Williamson,Michael P., Iwadate, Mitsuo. and Asakura, Tetsuo., Ca andCbcarbon-13 chemical shifts in proteins from an empirical database, J. Biomol.NMR, 13-3, 199-211, 1999.
  12. Asakura,Tetsuo. and Demura, Makoto., Structure and dynamics of silk fibroin studiedwith 13C, 15N and 2H solid state NMR,Macromol. Symp, 143, 1-10, 1999.
  13. Asakura,Tetsuo., Ito, Takuro., Okudaira, Mami. and Kameda, Tsunenori., Structure ofalanine and glycine residues of Samia cynthia ricini silk fibers studiedwith solid-state 15N and 13C NMR, Macromolecules,32-15, 4940-4946, 1999.
  14. Kameda,Tsunenori., Ohkawa, Yohei., Yoshizawa, Keiko., Naito, Junko., Ulrich, Anne. S.and Asakura, Tetsuo., Hydrogen-Bonding Structure of Serine Side Chains inBombyx mori and Samia cynthia ricini Silk Fibroin Determined bySolid-State 2H NMR, Macromolecules, 32-21, 7166-7171, 1999.
  15. Kameda,Tsunenori., Ohkawa, Youhei., Yoshizawa, Keiko., Nakano, Emi., Hiraoki,Toshifumi., Ulrich, Anne. S. and Asakura, Tetsuo., Dynamics of the TyrosineSide Chain in Bombyx mori and Samia cynthia ricini Silk FibroinStudied by Solid State 2H NMR, Macromolecules, 32-25,8491-8495, 1999.
  16. Nishikawa,Noaki., Horiguchi, Yasunobu., Asakura, Tetsuo. and Ando, Isao., Carbon-13solid-state n.m.r. study of 13C-enriched human hair keratin,Polymer, 40-8, 2139-2144, 1999.